Published Jan 2022
Child abuse can have life-long effects. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, survivors face an increased risk of addiction and mental health struggles, delayed brain and social-emotional development, limited employment opportunities and a lower lifetime earning potential. In 2018, nearly 1,770 abused or neglected children in the United States did not survive. The best solution to this deadly problem is prevention. No one has to go it alone. Find out how Colusa County Community Advocates for Parents & Children (CAPC) can help your family thrive.
ViewPublished Dec 2021
Washoe County School District makes a difference in Northern Nevada. Learn how!
ViewPublished Nov 2021
Investing in healthy children and families is an investment in healthier communities. Studies have shown physically and emotionally healthy children do better in school, leading to greater success in adulthood. For communities, this means more skilled workers with greater incomes, a generational effect that creates long-term benefits for everyone. As its name suggests, First 5 San Benito provides resources and programs that support basic needs, healthy development and parental support for families with children who are 0-5 years old. In order to meet the needs of the larger community, the Family Impact Center opened to expand access through partnerships with other community agencies and organizations.
ViewPublished Sep 2021
Be ACEs Aware! ACEs – adverse childhood experiences – can lead to lifelong issues. Stop ACEs and become more aware of these problems with pointers provided by Tulare County Health and Human Services Agency and ACEs Aware.
ViewPublished Dec 2020
En tiempos de estrés y desastre, hay personas que se preocupan. ¡No estas solo! Encuentre la ayuda y los servicios que necesita en el condado de Tulare.
ViewPublished Dec 2020
In times of stress and disaster, there are people who care. You are not alone! Find the help and services you need in Tulare County.
ViewPublished Jul 2020
Permita que el Departamento de Servicios de Manutención de los Hijos del Condado de Stanislaus lo ayude a navegar por el programa de manutención infantil y comience un nuevo y brillante futuro para usted y su familia. Descubra cómo puede obtener ayuda en un ambiente de seguridad y cuidados que lo ponga a usted y a sus hijos en primer lugar.
ViewPublished Jul 2020
Let Stanislaus County Department of Child Support Services help you navigate through the child support program—and start a bright new future for you and your family. Find out how you can get help in a caring environment that puts you and your children first.
ViewPublished May 2020
At Sacramento County Department of Child Support Services, our mission is to enhance the lives of families. We do this by helping parents stay involved in the support and well-being of their children. Studies show that having each parent involved in a child’s life improves overall well-being—they are likely to do better in school, have lower dropout and incarceration rates, go on to college, and lead happier and healthier adult lives.
ViewPublished Apr 2020
Central Sierra Child Support Agency is here to help parents navigate the process, including establishing, enforcing and modifying child support orders. The agency also offers genetic testing, keeps track of payments, can regain passports or driver's licenses, and deal with back support payments. CSCSA works for custodial and non-custodial parents, legal guardians and extended family members to ensure children grow up in financially stable homes, which research shows helps them be better K-12 students, more likely to go to college and healthier throughout their lives.
ViewPublished Apr 2020
Opening a case is easier than ever and most services are low to no cost for everyone.SJC DCSS offers a range of resources to assist custodial and non-custodial parents, as well as legal guardians, to ensure that children get the financial support they need for their living and medical expenses.Reach out today and find out how San Joaquin County Department of Child Support Services staff can help you
ViewPublished Mar 2020
Making your community a more inclusive place for everyone. Services for the developmentally disabled in Santa Clara County and surrounding areas.
ViewPublished Sep 2016
San Bernardino County Preschool Services Department improves the well-being of children, empowers families and strengthens communities. Learn how the department builds a foundation of success for children that will take them from "cradle to career" and gives parents opportunities for career growth through great jobs.
ViewPublished Jan 2014
There is a ton of information out there to help new parents prepare for a baby. But what’s important? And what’s having a baby really like? This publication will introduce you to new parents, and help you make the best choices for your new baby as you embark on one of life's most important journeys.
ViewPublished Dec 2013
Dental health is important for the overall health and well-being for children ages 5 and younger. Learn how you can prevent tooth problems in your child and develop good oral hygiene habits that will keep them smiling for life.
ViewPublished Apr 2013
All parents have questions about their child. Alamance Alliance and Project Launch support parents in their most important job by giving them answers and tips on positive parenting.
ViewPublished Aug 2012
Tooth decay affects children more than any other chronic infectious disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. First 5 Sacramento is helping to improve access to oral health resources for children and their families in the region.