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State Center Adult Education Consortium

Published Jun 2022


Adult education will get you where you want to be! The State Center Adult Education Consortium and its member schools show you the possibilities.

State Center Adult Education Consortium

Published Jun 2022


¡La educación de adultos te llevará a donde quieres estar! El State Center Adult Education Consortium y sus escuelas miembros le muestran las posibilidades.


Fresno County Department of Social Services

Published Jan 2022


¿Necesitas servicios de salud? Puede calificar para Medi-Cal. El condado de Fresno se preocupa por su salud. En tiempos de necesidad, ¡tiene opciones!


Fresno County Department of Social Services

Published Jan 2022


Do you need health services? You may qualify for Medi-Cal. Fresno County cares! In times of need, you've got options.

California Product Stewardship Council

Published Sep 2020


Drug take-back bins let you safely dispose of unwanted, unneeded, or expired medications. Find out what people in the South Central Valley including Fresno and Monterey counties are doing.

Fresno County Department of Public Health and the mosquito and vector control districts of Fresno County

Published Sep 2018


La prevención contra los mosquitos y las enfermedades que transmiten es simple: Siga el agua. Y cuando encuentre el agua, elimínela — independientemente de que se encuentre fuera o dentro de un hogar. También asegúrese de usar repelente contra insectos


Fresno County Department of Public Health and the mosquito and vector control districts of Fresno County

Published Sep 2018


Mosquitoes don't have to rule the outdoors, residents can take simple actions together with their local mosquito abatement or control district that will help manage mosquito populations. Learn what actions you should take at home to combat mosquitoes!

Fresno County Department of Social Services

Published Oct 2017


Thanks to expanded eligibility requirements, more Fresno County residents than ever qualify for Medi-Cal, the health insurance plan for low-income Californians. In this publication, find out how children can qualify for Medi-Cal (even if their parents do not), why single adults are benefiting from the program, and why undocumented residents have nothing to fear when signing up.

Fresno County Department of Social Services

Published Oct 2017


No importa tu estatus, No importa tu edad — tu salud importa. ¿Estás cubierto? Mira dentro para ver cómo Medi-Cal está ayudando a mejorar las vidas de la gente del Condado de Fresno.


Fresno County Department of Social Services

Published Apr 2017


People are living longer than they planned and retirement savings aren’t lasting as long. Older adults need a safety net, one that is made up of family, friends, neighbors and the resources they have in Fresno County. Fresno’s Department of Social Services has many programs that cater to the needs of older adults as well as dependent adults of all ages. Being proactive and having a family conversations about the needs of older or dependent adults now can prevent crises. This publication will encourage readers to take control and start a conversation now to help the loved one in their life. With Fresno County’s adult services, they will have a place to turn when they need help.

Fresno County Department of Social Services

Published Apr 2017


Adaptarse a las capacidades cambiantes, las necesidades de salud y las restricciones financieras puede ser difícil de manejar para las familias con dependientes o adultos mayores. Las personas viven más tiempo de lo previsto y los ahorros para la jubilación no duran tanto. Departamento de Servicios Sociales de Fresno tiene muchos programas que atienden a las necesidades de los adultos mayores, así como los adultos dependientes de todas las edades. El objetivo del Departamento de Servicios Sociales es ayudar a los adultos mayores a la edad en sus hogares durante el tiempo que sea posible hacerlo con seguridad. Con los servicios para adultos del Condado de Fresno, tendrán un lugar donde acudir cuando necesiten ayuda.


Fresno County Department of Social Services

Published Aug 2016


More people are needed to provide love and support to foster youth in Fresno County. Find out how you can help.

Fresno County Department of Social Services

Published Aug 2016


Se necesitan más personas que brinden apoyo y cariño a jóvenes en tránsito en el condado de Fresno. Conozca cómo puede colaborar.

