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The California Endowment

Published Dec 2020

Printed Stories

In 2010, the California Endowment launched a 10-year, $1 billion plan to improve the health of 14 challenged communities across the state. Over the 10 years, community-based organizations and public institutions worked together to address the socioeconomic and environmental challenges contributing to the poor health of their communities. These stories published in the Sacramento News & Review and onine in 2020 covered the work that was done on this project.

CNC Education Fund

Published Sep 2020


Time is running out to complete the 2020 Census. Community partners share what is at stake for Central Valley communities in the big count.

CNC Education Fund

Published Sep 2020


Se acaba el tiempo para completar el censo de 2020. Los socios comunitarios comparten lo que está en juego para las comunidades del Valle Central en la gran cuenta.


The California Endowment

Published Dec 2018

Printed Stories

In 2010, the California Endowment launched a 10-year, $1 billion plan to improve the health of 14 challenged communities across the state. Over the 10 years, community-based organizations and public institutions worked together to address the socioeconomic and environmental challenges contributing to the poor health of their communities. This bi-weekly series of stories published in the Sacramento News & Review in 2018 covered the work that was done on this project.

Immigration Advocates of Sacramento

Published Dec 2018


ICE está buscando y deteniendo un número creciente de personas en todo California, especialmente en ciudades santuarias. Ahora es más importante que nunca saber tus derechos, sin importar tu estatus migratorio. Si eres inmigrante, es posible que en algún momento ICE pueda acercarse a ti. Saber lo que debes hacer en el momento puede impedir a ICE que te detenga y te ayude a no ser deportado — manteniéndo a tu familia junta. Conoze tus derechos, manten la calma, ten un abogado para llamar, y formula un plan familiar.


N&R Publications

Published Dec 2018


You may not be able to control if or when you or a loved one encounters ICE agents, but planning ahead may make a stressful and frightening situation easier on you and your family.

Immigration Advocates of Sacramento

Published Nov 2018


Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) activity is on the rise, but all people living in the U.S. are still protected by the same constitutional rights — no matter their immigration status. Knowing how to act and respond may stop someone from being deported and increase the odds they will eventually be released. Las actividades de la Oficina Federal de Aplicación de las Leyes de Inmigración y Aduanas (ICE) han aumentado significativamente, pero todas las personas que viven en los Estados Unidos siempre están protegidas por los mismos derechos constitucionales, independientemente de su estatus migratorio. Saber cómo actuar y responder podría evitar ser deportado e incrementa las probabilidades de eventualmente ser liberado.


The California Endowment

Published Dec 2017

Printed Stories

In 2010, the California Endowment launched a 10-year, $1 billion plan to improve the health of 14 challenged communities across the state. Over the 10 years, community-based organizations and public institutions worked together to address the socioeconomic and environmental challenges contributing to the poor health of their communities. This bi-weekly series of stories published in the Sacramento News & Review in 2017 covered the work that was done on this project.

The California Endowment

Published Dec 2016

Printed Stories

In 2010, the California Endowment launched a 10-year, $1 billion plan to improve the health of 14 challenged communities across the state. Over the 10 years, community-based organizations and public institutions worked together to address the socioeconomic and environmental challenges contributing to the poor health of their communities. This bi-weekly series of stories published in the Sacramento News & Review in 2016 covered the work that was done on this project.

The California Endowment

Published Dec 2014

Printed Stories

In 2010, the California Endowment launched a 10-year, $1 billion plan to improve the health of 14 challenged communities across the state. Over the 10 years, community-based organizations and public institutions worked together to address the socioeconomic and environmental challenges contributing to the poor health of their communities. This bi-weekly series of stories published in the Sacramento News & Review in 2014 covered the work that was done on this project.
