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Sacramento County Office of Education

Published Sep 2021


To meet today's challenges, the California Adult Education Program has developed seven statewide priorities for administrators, faculty and staff: equity, leadership, distance learning, program development, program evaluation, marketing and learner transition. Together these priorities will help focus adult educators on better serving students and preparing them for high-paying jobs, new careers or college. This publication highlights campuses that are already implementing these priorities and staff give concrete examples of what works.

Sacramento Area Adult Education

Published Dec 2020


Adult education has a rich 150-year history in the greater Sacramento region. Learn how these low- and no-cost programs are life-changing for individual Californians and their families, but may also be the economic engine for the entire state.

Sacramento County Department of Human Assistance

Published Nov 2020


Learn how Sacramento County is responding to homelessness and helping people in need.

Westervelt Ecological Services

Published Oct 2020


Learn how habitat banking restores the land, benefits native wildlife and reduces flood risks. Westervelt Ecological Services is a nationwide leader in environmental mitigation and conservation.

Sacramento Regional Transit District

Published Jul 2020

Printed Stories

The Sacramento Regional Transit District, commonly referred to as SacRT, is the regional transit provider for Sacramento, operating more than 80 bus routes, 43 miles of light rail serving 52 light rail stations and ADA paratransit services--all within a 400 square-mile service area throughout Sacramento County. This includes service in the cities of Sacramento, Citrus Heights, Elk Grove, Folsom and Rancho Cordova. These columns in the Sacramento News & Review and online illuminated their programs.

Sacramento County Department of Child Protective Services

Published May 2020


El Departamento de Servicios para Niños,Familias y Adultos del Condado de Sacramento estableciendo familias para la crianza exitosa de adolescentes.


Sacramento County Department of Child Protective Services

Published May 2020


Sacramento County Department of Child Protective Services is setting up Sacramento County families for successful resource parenting of teens.

Sacramento County Department of Child Support Services

Published May 2020


At Sacramento County Department of Child Support Services, our mission is to enhance the lives of families. We do this by helping parents stay involved in the support and well-being of their children. Studies show that having each parent involved in a child’s life improves overall well-being—they are likely to do better in school, have lower dropout and incarceration rates, go on to college, and lead happier and healthier adult lives.

Sacramento County Voter Registration & Elections

Published Dec 2019


The California Voter's Choice Act has made voting in Sacramento more accessible and convenient than ever before. Learn of the three effortless ways to cast a vote in any Sacramento election, and how you can still vote even if you missed the registration deadline!

Sacramento Regional Family Justice Center

Published Oct 2019


Sacramento Regional Family Justice Center understands that taking the courageous step to leave an abusive environment can be stressful. As a result, the organization hosts comprehensive services for those impacted by abuse including legal representation and counseling. That courageous step also requires the support of one's entire community, from family to law enforcement. Learn now how Sacramento Regional Family Justice Center can help with escaping and healing from abusive circumstances.

United Public Employees

Published Sep 2019


United Public Employees is dedicated to representing some of the lowest paid workers in public service, fighting to secure good working conditions and fair pay for people who provide critical services to society.

Los Rios College Federation of Teachers

Published May 2019


The Los Rios College Federation of Teachers cares deeply about faculty, but it is equally committed to ensuring students have everything they need -- both inside and outside of the classroom.

Immigration Advocates of Sacramento

Published Dec 2018


ICE está buscando y deteniendo un número creciente de personas en todo California, especialmente en ciudades santuarias. Ahora es más importante que nunca saber tus derechos, sin importar tu estatus migratorio. Si eres inmigrante, es posible que en algún momento ICE pueda acercarse a ti. Saber lo que debes hacer en el momento puede impedir a ICE que te detenga y te ayude a no ser deportado — manteniéndo a tu familia junta. Conoze tus derechos, manten la calma, ten un abogado para llamar, y formula un plan familiar.


Sacramento County Coalition for Youth/City of Sacramento

Published Nov 2018


Parents and mentors can have an impact on whether or not youth use marijuana, also known as cannabis. Pre-teens, teens and youth in their early 20s often seek out new experiences and engage in risky behaviors, such as using marijuana. You can help prevent underage use by starting the conversation about marijuana with youth in your life and making sure they are aware of potential consequences. Open up this publication to learn more about the dangers of marijuana use!

Immigration Advocates of Sacramento

Published Nov 2018


Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) activity is on the rise, but all people living in the U.S. are still protected by the same constitutional rights — no matter their immigration status. Knowing how to act and respond may stop someone from being deported and increase the odds they will eventually be released. Las actividades de la Oficina Federal de Aplicación de las Leyes de Inmigración y Aduanas (ICE) han aumentado significativamente, pero todas las personas que viven en los Estados Unidos siempre están protegidas por los mismos derechos constitucionales, independientemente de su estatus migratorio. Saber cómo actuar y responder podría evitar ser deportado e incrementa las probabilidades de eventualmente ser liberado.


Pit bull advocates of the Sacramento region

Published Oct 2018


Pit bulls are amazing dogs. No matter if you're looking for a marathon partner, fellow couch potato, mischievous trickster or loving family dog, there's a pit bull out there for you. Read more to learn about pit bulls and how to find your perfect furry friend today!

City of West Sacramento

Published Sep 2018


Learn why organics recycling is just the latest way Yolo County is making sure our community doesn't "waste" our waste.

Sacramento Regional Family Justice Center

Published Aug 2018


The Sacramento Regional Family Justice Center (SRFJC) offers a safe, healing environment for victims of domestic violence, child and elder abuse, sexual assault and human trafficking. A "one-stop" center of comprehensive services, SRFJC offers clients a place to start the healing process through counseling, protective measures or just someone who can listen. Learn how, here.

Inclusion in Sacramento

Published Aug 2018


Individuals with developmental disabilities have varied and diverse skills and aptitudes that contribute to our community's richness and diversity. When our schools, workplaces and living spaces are inclusive, individuals with developmental disabilities and our communities benefit. In this publication funded by Sacramento-area organizations, find out what inclusion for individuals with developmental disabilities looks like and learn tips for educators, employers and landlords/developers on how to be more inclusive.

The CalFresh offices of Placer, Sacramento and Yolo counties

Published Mar 2018


College is stressful enough, CalFresh makes sure students are building on their future and not worrying about putting food on the table. Find out how students can qualify for benefits, even if they think they don't.

California Community Colleges

Published Mar 2018


The Greater Sacramento Region of California Community Colleges offers students a pathway to success, no matter who they are! Read more about how your local community college can fit into your lifestyle, no matter if you're a recent high school graduate, a lifelong learner, or don't yet have your GED or high school diploma. The start to your future could be just around the corner!

Sacramento-area Municipalities and Waste Management Services

Published Mar 2018


Sacramento-area recycling carts are being contaminated with food residue, plastic bags, hazardous materials and other trash — things that don’t belong there. If recyclables don’t get “cleaner,” they may have to go to the landfill. Not only is that harmful to the environment, it could increase waste management costs for residents. The solution to this problem is simple — and it starts with you. Find out what can and can’t be recycled in your recycling cart.

Sacramento City Unified School District

Published Mar 2018


Providing a high-quality education to all students comes with a cost. Great schools are powered by great people. That's why school districts invest most of their resources in retaining the teachers and staff necessary to foster positive school environments where students can learn and succeed. In this guide, learn about the three fiscal challenges facing the Sacramento City Unified School District and how the community can participate in the budget process.

Sacramento Central Labor Council

Published Jan 2018


Working people in unions make improvements at the workplace, and they fight to improve the rights of all people. Union members helped create workplace health and safety standards, the Americans with Disabilities Act, Family Medical Leave Act and many other laws we all rely on. The Sacramento Central Labor Council works on behalf of all workers to support better conditions for everyone. When labor is strong, our community is strong.

Sacramento Regional Family Justice Center

Published Oct 2017


Families in Sacramento are facing a serious problem that should concern all of us: family violence. Fortunately, there is hope. Sacramento Regional Family Justice Center offers victims of violence a safe, secure place to turn, where they can access resources, make a safety plan with social workers and become empowered to start a better life. The Family Justice Center also works to educate the public about family violence and encourage people to take a stand against it.

Sacramento Regional Solid Waste Authority

Published Aug 2017


Do you know what to do with your food scraps? Find out how we can save our landfills by composting food waste, turning it into a valuable resource. Plus get everyday tips for ways to reduce food waste at home, at school, at work and while dining out.

Sacramento City College

Published Jul 2017


At Sacramento City College, there is a place for anyone. Whether you are a freshman just starting your college career, a professional looking to update your skill set or an entrepreneur who wants to do your own accounting, Sacramento City College can help you achieve your goals. As the community college celebrates its 100-year anniversary in 2016, it continues its legacy of serving a diverse student body. Students are at the heart of the work of Sacramento City College — come discover what it has to offer!

Sacramento County Child Protective Services

Published Jun 2017


Los niños que se encuentran en el sistema de crianza que forman parte de nuestra comunidad son sus vecinos, estudiantes, amigos de sus hijos, etc. Todos ellos tienen las mismas aspiraciones y sueños que los niños que no viven de esta manera. Lamentablemente, si no tenemos adultos constantes que brinden un hogar acogedor y de apoyo, a largo plazo quedarán en desventaja comparados con sus compañeros. Aquí es donde necesitamos de usted.


Sacramento County Child Protective Services

Published Jun 2017


Foster care is a journey. And you don’t always know where the path is going or how long it will take to get there. Right now in Sacramento County, there are more than 2,000 children on this journey – and they need loving people to go with them. Now, a major change in foster care in California is putting the needs of children first by making sure the same caregiver can be with a foster child for that entire journey. Called Resource Family Approval, it ensures that any caregiver receive proper approvals, training and support to care for a child until they are reunified with a birth parent or are adopted.

Sacramento Democrats

Published May 2017


Do you care about universal health care? Are you worried about the growing income gap? Do you feel that the “winners” in our society should not be determined by one’s gender, skin color or where they were born? Guess what? You’re a Democrat! In this publication, find out how Sacramento residents took their passion for an issue and acted on it by getting involved with local democratic groups.


Published May 2017


There’s a side of the SMUD story that’s not often told. As a community-owned energy provider, every decision made at SMUD is based on the benefit of the community. SMUD has made a promise to be a good corporate citizen and give back through volunteers, donations, education and support that creates a more vibrant community that uses energy more efficiently. The voices of its partners who have benefited from SMUD’s leadership, generosity and expertise highlight SMUD’s corporate citizenship philosophy and the many ways in which SMUD Makes Sacramento Brighter.

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Sacramento

Published Sep 2016


Habitat for Humanity of Greater Sacramento is building two homes with the help of local faith leaders, mosques, temples and churches to make a statement about religious diversity and tolerance in our community. Learn more about this interfaith effort and how you can help! Build hope and homes -- #BuildforUnity!

Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District

Published Jul 2016


Air quality impacts our health in the Sacramento region. But with so many sources of air pollution, how do we begin to manage air quality to protect the ones we love? One answer is the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District. SMAQMD’s programs have contributed to air quality improvement in our region, including attainment of 24-hour ozone particulate matter levels. As the population increases and research on the health effects of air pollution grows, the need to continue this work becomes clear. Discover what an air quality management district does and how you can contribute to improving the air we breathe.

Sacramento Steps Forward

Published Apr 2016


The problem of homelessness is more complex than many realize; housing those on the streets today is phenomenal progress, but newly homeless individuals emerge every day and need an ongoing, coordinated system of support. Sacramento Steps Forward is Sacramento's unique, home-grown solution to the ongoing problem of homelessness. What we're doing here is Sacramento is different — as a distinctively collaborative effort between public and private entities, Sacramento Steps Forward works to devise comprehensive and sustainable solutions to preventing homelessness.

The Sacramento Rendering Company

Published Jan 2016


Where do the animal byproducts from the agriculture and food processing industries go? The answer is they are recycled into products we use every day (like dog food and soap) through the ancient practice of rendering. Find out why rendering makes sense for the environment, health and safety and our economy.

Sacramento Youth Homelessness

Published Dec 2015


Sacramento's homeless youth aren't much different from their housed counterparts. Learn about the systemic issues that drive youth homelessness and the hopes these young people have for their futures. Homeless youth are part of our community's fabric and future — they just long for a place to be. Here we meet several of them who have received help through Wind Youth Services.

Sacramento County Household Hazardous Waste

Published Nov 2015


Out of concern for the environment, California requires that all hazardous materials, such as pesticides, paints and batteries, be kept out of landfills. But what is a resident supposed to do with all that stuff? The answer is Household Hazardous Waste (HHW). Sacramento County residents can bring their HHW to four locations to dispose of these materials free of charge, or they can seek out any number of community disposal options. Lack of knowledge of how and where to dispose of certain items is leading to materials going into the landfill, where they could pose environmental problems. Many times, HHW reuses the material, closing the loop in the recycling process. This publication gives residents a better understanding of how and why they should dispose of their HHW properly.

Sacramento Area Council of Governments

Published Nov 2015


In 2004, the Sacramento region developed a roadmap for smart growth and improving the quality of life for all residents. It’s called the Sacramento Region Blueprint Transportation/Land Use Plan and it has helped point our region in the right direction. With a wealth of participation from ordinary people, elected representatives and planning professionals, Blueprint was a bottom-up response to how we wanted to see the Sacramento region grow.

Sacramento City Unified School District

Published Oct 2015


Discover Sacramento's best-kept secret: Excellence in K-12 education available right in your neighborhood. SCUSD understands there's no one-size-fits-all solution in education. That's why the district offers a vast variety of programs, from rigorous, traditional neighborhood schools at every grade level to innovative, interest-based programs housed on small campuses and within larger comprehensive schools.

Sacramento County Department of Human Assistance

Published Jun 2015


Working families, students, seniors — we all need access to healthy, fresh food. There are 243,000 individuals in Sacramento County who receive CalFRESH now. Do you know someone who may be in need of assistance?

Sacramento County Adult Protective Services

Published Jun 2015


Sacramento County Department of Health and Human Services, Adult Protective Services is a state-mandated program dedicated to maintaining the health and safety of older and dependent adults who are subjected to neglect, abuse or exploitation, or are unable to protect their own interests.

Sacramento Stormwater Quality Partnership

Published May 2015


The Sacramento Stormwater Quality Partnership is a multijurisdictional program made up of Sacramento County and the incorporated cities of Sacramento, Elk Grove, Citrus Heights, Folsom, Galt and Rancho Cordova. It is dedicated to educating everyone about the consequences of water pollution.

Sacramento County CalWORKs Program

Published Apr 2015


An innovative new program in Sacramento County will give 300 families a second chance at stability and a fresh start. Approved in 2014, California Senate Bill 855 allotted $20 million for housing support to homeless CalWORKs recipients. Sacramento County was one of 42 counties that applied, and one of only 20 accepted, for this transformative program.

Sacramento County Department of Child Protective Services

Published Oct 2014


What happens after a child is removed from an unsafe environment? How can the community step in to fill the need by caring for these children? With roughly 2,300 children currently in foster care, and 500 of those children in need of forever families, this issue is one that deeply affects both the children and the greater community. This publication brings a message of hope, demonstrating the positive outcomes that are possible by telling the stories of children who are thriving thanks to their foster and adoptive families. Targeted particularly at potential foster/adoptive families, the piece educates and encourages, helping families gain the confidence to step forward and welcome a child into their lives.

Sacramento Republic FC

Published Sep 2014


Experience professional soccer in Sacramento during this exhibition game held July 18, 2013 at Raley Field.

City of Sacramento Department of Utilities

Published Sep 2014


Saving water needs to be in our thoughts every day — when we turn on our sprinklers, brush our teeth and wash our clothes. Learn how the City of Sacramento Department of Utilities is helping homeowners and businesses conserve water and how you can do your part!

Sacramento County Department of Human Assistance

Published Jun 2014


Ahora, millones de californianos cumplen los requisitos para recibir atención médica a bajo costo o gratuita a través de Medi-Cal. Aun cuando anteriormente haya inscrito y no haya sido aceptado, es posible que ahora sí cumpla con los requisitos porque cambiaron la reglas. *An outreach and education guide to Medi-Cal expansion under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and what the eligibility changes could mean for the reader.*


Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito Vector Control District

Published Jun 2014


Dangerous new species of mosquitoes bring with them the potential to spread harmful diseases. The Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito & Vector Control District helps protect the community through its surveillance and education efforts.

Sacramento County Veterans Services

Published May 2014


If you served in our nation's armed forces, you are a veteran. Regardless of whether you served during wartime or were injured in the line of duty, you may have earned certain benefits. Sacramento County Veterans Services can help you file your claim with the VA and gain access to life-changing benefits.

Sacramento County Behavioral Health Services

Published May 2014


People living with mental illness don't need to end up in the hospital, jail or homeless. There are many treatment options that can prevent crisis situations and provide better outcomes — at a lower cost.

Sacramento Zoo

Published Mar 2014


How much do you really know about your zoo -- the Sacramento Zoo? Learn about the state-of-the-art veterinary care, conservation efforts and educational opportunities the zoo provides and how you can be part of the experience.

Sacramento County Department of Human Assistance

Published Mar 2014


An outreach and education guide to Medi-Cal expansion under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and what the eligibility changes could mean for the reader.

Healthy Sacramento Coalition

Published Feb 2014


Muchas organizaciones en nuestra comunidad comparten la opinión de que nuestra salud se ve afectada por otros factores que no son el acceso a la atención médica. Ochenta y dos de estas organizaciones se unieron en la Coalición por un Sacramento Saludable (Healthy Sacramento Coalition). Con financiamiento de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades y el liderazgo asumido por la Fundación Sierra Health, en 2011 se creó la Coalición por un Sacramento Saludable con el fin de comprender mejor cómo nuestro medio ambiente afecta nuestra salud en Sacramento.


Healthy Sacramento Coalition

Published Feb 2014


Being healthy isn't just about having access to medical care. The community you live in plays a major part in your ability to lead a healthy and full life. The Healthy Sacramento Coalition is exploring how the environment affects our health in Sacramento.

First 5 Sacramento Region

Published Jan 2014


There is a ton of information out there to help new parents prepare for a baby. But what’s important? And what’s having a baby really like? This publication will introduce you to new parents, and help you make the best choices for your new baby as you embark on one of life's most important journeys.

Sacramento World Music & Dance Festival

Published Oct 2013


Music is the language that brings us all together. Each year, the Sacramento World Music and Dance Festival hosts performers from all over the globe to showcase the cultural diversity of the Sacramento region.

Sacramento World Music & Dance Festival

Published Oct 2013


Feast your eyes, your heart and your mind. Each year, the Sacramento World Music and Dance Festival hosts performers from all over the globe to showcase the cultural diversity of the Sacramento region.

Camellia & Sacramento Waldorf Schools

Published Aug 2013


A love of learning is one of the best gifts you can give a child. Camellia and Sacramento Waldorf Schools prepare your child for lifelong learning by developing their critical-thinking skills, social-emotional intelligence and kinesthetic learning.

Sacramento Republic FC

Published Jul 2013


Sacramento Republic FC is Sacramento's own professional soccer team. The team logo, crest and colors were unveiled after three months and thousands of entries from excited soccer fans in the community.

Sacramento Republic FC

Published Jul 2013


The dream of having an MLS soccer team in Sacramento can be achieved. Sacramento Professional Soccer is working toward that goal by bringing a professional team to play and prove the city is ready to compete on a national level.

Sacramento French Film Festival

Published Jun 2013


The Sacramento French Film Festival celebrates contributions French filmmakers have made to the art of cinema. This unique cultural event brings together fans of French cinema and culture.

First 5 Sacramento Region

Published Feb 2013


You are your child's first teacher. The Sacramento region of First 5 California provides support for new parents to prepare their child for school and life through a healthy learning environment.

Focus Healthcare of California

Published Feb 2013


Addiction is the No. 1 driver of social issues such as high health care costs, drunk driving and crime in the United States. Focus Healthcare of Sacramento can help you get your life back by getting to the root of addiction.

First 5 Sacramento Region

Published Feb 2013


Usted es el primer maestro de su hijo. La región de Sacramento de First 5 California provee apoyo para los nuevos padres a preparar a sus hijos para la escuela y la vida a través de un ambiente de aprendizaje sano.


Sacramento Ballet

Published Jan 2013


Get into the spirit of the Roaring '20s. The Sacramento Ballet presents Artistic Director Ron Cunningham's original dance version of "The Great Gatsby."

Sacramento Area Adult Education

Published Jan 2013


Education powers success. Sacramento Area Adult Schools offer adults the opportunity to learn new job skills, improve their English or earn a GED or high school diploma.

City of Sacramento

Published Jan 2013


Making Sacramento more sustainable and accessible is a goal shared by everyone. Updating the city's zoning code will allow for smarter infill growth, while also spurring economic growth.

Sacramento Collaborative Practice Group

Published Dec 2012


Divorce doesn't have to be contentious. Sacramento Collaborative Divorce can help you, your spouse and your family find a compassionate ending and a healthy new beginning.

Sacramento Philharmonic Orchestra

Published Sep 2012


It's music to Sacramento's ears. The Sacramento Philharmonic Orchestra is one of the city's most prestigious organizations producing 96 concerts, including eight national or world premieres.


Published Aug 2012


Follow the rainbow. Featuring several attractions, musical performances and vendors, Rainbow Festival is Sacramento's annual LGBTQ street fair celebration.

First 5 Sacramento

Published Aug 2012


Tooth decay affects children more than any other chronic infectious disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. First 5 Sacramento is helping to improve access to oral health resources for children and their families in the region.

Luis Palau

Published Jun 2012


In 2013, international Christian evangelist Luis Palau and his team hosted a free festival featuring several Christian music artists and Palau to share the gospel with Sacramento.

Sacramento Habitat for Humanity

Published Apr 2012


Habitat for Humanity ReStores sell donated, reusable home improvement materials to the public. For windows, doors, wood and even the kitchen sink, ReStores have homeowners covered.


Published Apr 2012


Earth Day is a celebration of the birth of the environmental movement. Every year, the Environmental Council of Sacramento hosts Earth Day to raise awareness and advocate for environmental causes.

The City of Sacramento General Plan

Published Mar 2012


Climate change is real. Over the last decade, the City of Sacramento has proven its commitment to addressing climate change by creating a Climate Action Plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Downtown Sacramento Partnership

Published Nov 2011


If you're looking for ways to fill your holiday spirit in Sacramento, look no further than downtown. The Downtown Sacramento Partnership offers several tips and destinations to check out during the wintery months.

Sacramento GLBTQ Community Center

Published Jun 2011


One of the most important resources for the GLBTQ community in Sacramento is the GLBTQ Community Center. Through its outreach, peer support and education programs, the center serves more than 30,000 people each year.

Downtown Sacramento Partnership

Published May 2011


Summer in Sacramento is a great time to get outside. The Downtown Sacramento Partnership lists "must-visit" events and locations to maximize your summer fun.


Published Apr 2011


Sacramento's Earth Day brings together environmental activists and organizations to celebrate efforts to preserve the planet for future generations.

Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services

Published Nov 2010


Sacramento Food Bank and Family Services is primarily known for serving food. But the nonprofit also provides several other valuable services to the community, including adult education and youth programs.

Sacramento Natural Gas Storage

Published Sep 2010


Natural gas used to generate electricity in Sacramento comes from a pipeline outside the city. Sacramento needs natural gas storage to ensure there are no interruptions in production.

Sacramento Region & Community Foundation

Published Mar 2010


Presented by Sacramento Steps Forward and the Sacramento Region Community Foundation, this campaign asked residents to donate one day of their mortgage or rent to help end homelessness.

Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito Vector Control District

Published Aug 2009


Mosquitoes are the primary vector of the West Nile virus. Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito Vector Control District works to protect you and your family from this debilitating disease.
