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Santa Clara

County of Santa Clara Registrar of Voters

Published Feb 2020


With three voting options, conditional voter registration and several days to vote, California's Voter's Choice Act has made voting in Santa Clara County easier than ever!

Santa Clara County Vector Control District

Published Sep 2019


With the increased migration of invasive disease-bearing mosquitoes in Santa Clara County, it is imperative for residents to familiarize themselves with methods to identify pests and methods to stay protected. The Santa Clara County Vector Control District is an integral resource for community members in pests protection, learn more about how the district helps!

Santa Clara Veterans

Published Oct 2018


Văn Phòng Dịch Vụ Giúp Cựu Chiến Binh hạt Santa Clara (VSO) hiểu rõ nhu cầu của các cựu chiến binh hiện ở trong Hạt Santa Clara. Cho dù quý vị đã phục vụ tại Việt Nam hay Afghanistan, cho dù quý vị đã phục vụ trong một cuộc chiến hoặc tại quê hương – quý vị đã tích góp được phúc lợi cho mình.


Santa Clara Veterans

Published Oct 2018


La Oficina de Servicios para Veteranos del Condado de Santa Clara (VSO) entiende las necesidades de los veteranos aquí en el Condado de Santa Clara. Si usted sirvió en Vietnam o Afganistán, si sirvió en una guerra o en casa — usted ha ganado estos beneficios.


Santa Clara Veterans

Published Oct 2018


Santa Clara County Veteran Services Office (VSO) understands the needs of Veterans here in Santa Clara County. Whether you served in Vietnam or Afghanistan, whether you served in a war or at home — you earned benefits. Learn more about what the VSO can do for you!

Santa Clara County Social Services Agency

Published Aug 2016


¿Qué ocurre después de un niño es retirado de un entorno inseguro? ¿Cómo puede la comunidad intervenir para llenar la necesidad de cuidar a estos niños? Con muchos niños en el Condado de Santa Clara que necesitan familias para siempre, este problema es uno que afecta profundamente a los niños ya la comunidad en general. Esta pieza será llevar un mensaje de esperanza, lo que demuestra los resultados positivos que son posibles por los niños que muestran que están prosperando gracias a sus recursos y familias adoptivas. Especialmente dirigidos a los recursos potenciales y las familias adoptivas de alta calidad, la pieza será educar y alentar, ayudar a las familias a obtener la confianza para dar un paso adelante y dar la bienvenida a un niño en sus vidas.


Santa Clara County Social Services Agency

Published Aug 2016


Điều gì xảy ra sau khi một đứa trẻ được lấy ra từ một môi trường không an toàn? Làm thế nào cộng đồng có thể bước vào để lấp đầy nhu cầu bằng cách chăm sóc những đứa trẻ? Với nhiều trẻ em ở Hạt Santa Clara có nhu cầu của các gia đình mãi mãi, vấn đề này là một trong những ảnh hưởng sâu sắc cả trẻ em và cộng đồng tốt hơn. mảnh này sẽ mang lại một thông điệp hy vọng, cho thấy kết quả tích cực mà có thể bằng cách giới thiệu trẻ em đang phát triển mạnh nhờ vào tài nguyên của họ và gia đình nhận nuôi.

Santa Clara County Social Services Agency

Published Aug 2016


What happens after a child is removed from an unsafe environment? How can the community step in to fill the need by caring for these children? With many children in Santa Clara County in need of forever families, this issue is one that deeply affects both the children and the greater community. This publication will bring a message of hope, demonstrating the positive outcomes that are possible by showcasing children who are thriving thanks to their resources and adoptive families. Targeted particularly at potential resource and adoptive families of high quality, the piece will educate and encourage, helping families gain the confidence to step forward and welcome a child into their lives.

County of Santa Clara Office of Pretrial Services

Published Jul 2016


Si queda arrestado, deberá tomar una decisión:¿Permanecer en prisión o pagar una fianza?No todas las personas pueden pagar una fianza, pero en el condado de Santa Clara, los acusados tienen otra opción: Servicios Previos al Juicio. Dentro encontrará información sobre cómo los Servicios Precios al Juicio están garantizando que los acusados reciban un tratamiento justo.


County of Santa Clara Office of Pretrial Services

Published Jul 2016


If you are arrested, you face a decision: jail or bail? Not everyone can afford to post money bail, and in Santa Clara County, the accused have another option: Pretrial Services. Find out how Pretrial Services is ensuring fair treatment for the accused.

Santa Clara County Safe Drug Disposal

Published Apr 2016


There is a health and safety epidemic happening in Santa Clara County, and it starts in each and every one of our homes. The improper use and disposal of prescription drugs can lead to poisonings, crime, water quality issues and even death. Learn what Santa Clara County is doing about this issue and how you can help.

Santa Clara County Vector Control District

Published Jan 2016


The more you know about mosquitoes, the more you know why we need to reduce their numbers. Help Santa Clara County Vector Control District prevent the spread of harmful diseases, like West Nile virus, by reducing mosquito-breeding areas around your property.
